Why did you want to run for this office?

The unhoused, those experiencing food insecurity, and the addiction/treatment persons are the top three reasons for my campaigning.  So much financial support is necessary to make significant changes for these populations and it is far from where it needs to be.

What strengths can you bring to this job?

My medical background gives hard truth reality to how these issues impair good governance.  Being a successful entrepreneur in Rehab services, Jail management systems and electronic medical records also fits fiscal transparency and management.

What changes would you like our county to make?

The county government, specifically the commissioners and county council, are woefully behind on digital informatics. So much at present is still on paper/Fax machines, etc. We need to step into the 21st century.

Tell us a little about yourself.

I was the Director of Harrison County's Rehab Department from 1977 till 2020.  My children were raised here as most of my grandchildren.  I am an owner in a Rehab staffing company, an Adult Day center, an Electronic Medical Record company, and a Jail Management Systems company.