FRED NAEGELE for County Commissioner


Why did you want to run for this office?

Elections are about choice, I wanted to give the voters a choice. I can offer knowledge, integrity, and experience related to a county commissioners role. I am someone who offers accountability, transparency, and will do what is best for ALL the citizens of Harrison County.

What strengths can you bring to this job?

My experience with InDOT demonstrates I have the knowledge needed to make decisions regarding our infrastructure and public buildings. As a former firefighter I have the knowledge of what a fire department and EMS needs. County Commissioners are approached on a regular basis by office holders, departments, and various boards with requests, I am the person who will question the necessity of these requests. 

What changes would you like our county to make?

I would do everything I can as a county commissioner to reduce property taxes, by using more Riverboat Funds to reduce debt service through our three schools corporations. I would like to see the county highway department use rental service of equipment vs purchasing equiptment thus having to bear the cost of repair, maintenance and depreciation.. 

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a lifelong resident of Harrison County, I have worked in this county most of my life. I am a graduate of Corydon Central High School. My wife and I have been married for 33 years, we have three grown children and two grandchildren. I recently retired from the Indiana Department of Transportation with 29 years of service.