ADAM SCHNEIDER for County Recorder


As a Harrison County resident with family steeped in Lanesville and Corydon, I am renewing my commitment to public service by running for Harrison County Recorder. 

I’m a horticulturist by trade and passion, but it’s my commitment to making my community a better place for all residents that brings me to another run for public office. 

    I was your Democratic candidate in 2022 for County Council district #3. I am finishing out this election cycle as your Harrison County Democratic Chairman and have also served a term as vice  chair. I am the founder of Harrison County Pride and a committee member of the Corydon Pride festival. When I’m not politicking, I am enjoying time at my family’s small farm, hiking, kayaking and enjoying nature. I am the proud father of a 12 year old daughter. Wow, youngsters grow up so fast! 

     I am running for this office as part of my commitment to public service and to make sure there is a choice on our ballot. Since the Recorders office is one that directly deals with the public, it is my goal to make the process of going to the recorders office as smooth as possible and as accessible and consumer friendly as state law allows. The current Harrison County Recorder is term limited. I hope to build on the current successes of the office and help innovate new ways to help your visit to the Recorders office be a smooth one.

     While I’m used to dealing with plants as a successful business owner, I have experience running an office and staff. As Legislative assistant to Louisville Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh, I ran her legislative office, supervised staff and was in charge of constituent services. I have lots of experience dealing with the public in that job and as Chairman of the Harrison County Democratic Party.

    The biggest change I would like to see in our county government would be to have it serve all residents regardless of who they are or what party they belong to. One party rule is not sustainable, undemocratic, and isn’t accountable to all residents. I’ve been to too many “public” meetings where residents are treated without respect and out right hostility for daring to address the powers that be. 

    Government is not a popularity club and should serve all residents regardless of their beliefs. 

     I appreciate your support and your vote. Together we can make Harrison County a wonderful place to live, do business and have an accountable government for all  residents.